Graphic Novel signs for library

I looked and looked and looked for cool graphic novel posters for my library.  After much disappointment, I broke down and just made my own.  Feel free to use.  If you'd like the high quality PDF, just jump over to my Teachers Pay Teachers account and download for free.
The first poster is obviously classics reimagined as graphic novels.  I chose only copies that my specific school library had available for checkout.

This second one is more of the traditional graphic novel.  Superheroes, plus V because he's a classic in my comic book world.


I am soft.  I am sensitive.  I have a tendency to cry over commercials and people's stories.  This used to be something I struggled with.  I used to try to harden my heart and not let my emotions show because it made people uncomfortable.  But now, the older I get, the more I embrace my softness.

Empathy is not something to be ashamed of.  Compassion is not something to hide.  I have a delicate heart and I think it's rare to find one of those in today's society, so why am I trying to be more concrete?  I tell my friends that I love them, and I tear up, that's me being gut-wrentchening honest.  I tell someone that a comment or remark hurt my feelings, and tears spring to my eyes, that's proof that I've been wounded.

This morning around 2:30a, I woke up crying.  I'm a very vivid dreamer so dreams often make brief connections to my life.  In this dream, I was being followed by a dentist who wanted my teeth.  My teeth aren't that fantastic, though maybe after years of braces he wanted to reclaim them.  Anyway, the dream gets darker as I start dating this guy and the dentist grows jealous, wanting me and my teeth for only himself.  One night as he's following me to a date, he grabs me and rapes me.  I woke up crying, face already wet as if I'd been crying for some time.  I then rolled, grabbed my phone, and text this boy about the dream and how I couldn't stop crying.

Wait, wait, wait?  I text a boy and told him I was crying?  Do I have no game?  Honestly, I do not.  There was a time years ago when I was dating a different boy who would make offhanded comments that would hurt me.  Instead of telling him how these words affected me, I'd take a shower.  I would leave whichever room we were in and go take a shower.  If we were out doing something, I'd wait until we got back to his place and I would hop in the shower.  So I could cry and be hurt in peace.  Wonder why that relationship didn't work....

So what this long, tangent-y, jumpy post is about is crying.  Being okay with crying.  Being proud of telling people how you feel in words or displays.  Don't let the world harden you too much.  You have a beautiful, soft soul and they're only becoming more and more rare.

High School Again

So I'm working at the "alternative" high school in town's library.  Loving it.  They say weird stuff to me sometimes:

"Are those extensions?"

"My boyfriend is older than you.  How creepy is that?"

So that's what my first week has been like.  Checking out headphones, figuring out how to get kids to check out books or at least stop in the library, and being asked weird questions.

New job

New job.  New life.  New direction.  New dreams.  Same old problems.