When I was in high school, and college for that matter, I went through some pretty drastic colors (at least for small town North Dakota) and some pretty "creative" cuts. Being in weddings this summer has forced me to stay au natural for longer than I'd like. Every where I look, I see amazing colors. The trend I'm crushing on right now is ombre hair.
I have dark hair, so the natural jump would be to lighten the ends, but one of my co-workers currently has her hair like that, so it's out of the question. I'm going to go all-out when I get mine done at the end of October.
Here are some of my photo inspirations.
All taken from Lua P's LOOKBOOK
Could not find a source on this one, found it on Pinterest
I couldn't find this one on the website Pinterest linked to...
Pinterest, failing me once again, said the link was removed due to being either spam or inappropriate content...I'm going to assume she's a Suicide Girl
Pictures 4 and 5 are my fave!