Conversation Starters

I mentioned to one of my co-workers that I'm horribly awkward and weird when it comes to guys and first dates in general.  Jessica, another paraprofessional at the middle school, said that the 7th grade Health class is currently in the sexuality/dating unit and she had some packet pages for me.  This one was my all-time favorite...mostly due to the somewhat ridiculous questions and the poor grammar.  I also think that bringing this paper along and pulling it out of my purse and reading the "starters" one-by-one would make any man fall head over heels for me.  Obviously, what man does not want to tell you his preference between bathing and showering, or what his favorite thing to do alone is....

What questions would you add to the list?

1 comment:

  1. Holy God. Some of these are terrible. I do think that asking questions is the best way to come off as not awkward and a great conversationalist, but mine are usually less specific until we actually get into a real conversation.
